You can face a lot of uncertainty following a workplace accident.
You may be concerned about how you will pay your bills or wonder how much to expect from your workers’ comp settlement.
Get started with our Illinois workers’ comp settlement guide below, and then contact our experienced attorneys for more information.
Do Workers’ Comp Settlement Calculators Work?
Many websites may claim to provide an Illinois workers’ comp settlement calculator.
The truth is that these calculators don’t work.
There are too many factors in a case to arrive at a reasonable estimate with an automated calculator.
Additionally, the value of a workers’ comp claim may not be immediately apparent.
Typically, you need to wait until you reach maximum medical improvement (MMI) before you can calculate the value of your settlement.
MMI means that you have either recovered or your condition has improved as much as it can with treatment.
The only way to get an accurate estimate of what your claim is worth is to talk to a workers’ comp attorney.
They will discuss all aspects of your claim with you and let you know about the payments for which you may be eligible.
How Much Money Will My Settlement Be Worth?
Illinois workers’ comp settlements allow you to get a lump sum payment that takes into account all of the benefits you may be entitled to.
This may include:
- Medical payments
- Vocational rehabilitation
- Temporary disability benefits
- Permanent disability benefits
- Loss of use or disfigurement
Unlike traditional personal injury claims, Illinois workers’ comp settlements won’t take into account non-economic damages like pain and suffering.
Once you have reached MMI, your attorney can negotiate with the insurance company for a settlement that takes into account all of your losses.
In most cases, your settlement will be final.
But in some circumstances, a settlement may leave the possibility of compensation for future medical expenses open.
This might make sense, for example, if you have reached MMI after surgery but there is a possibility of your condition deteriorating in the future.
What Factors Most Affect My Workers’ Comp Settlement Amount?
Illinois settlement amounts vary based on things like how much you earn, the degree of your disability, and how long you can’t work.
Your Wages
The amount of any wage benefits to which you are entitled is based on your average weekly wage before your accident.
Thus, workers’ comp settlement amounts are higher for those with higher wages.
Partial or Total Disability
Benefits can also vary drastically depending on whether you are partially or totally disabled.
If you can’t work at all, your settlement will be greater than if you can still earn a portion of your previous wage by working fewer hours or in a different position.
Temporary or Permanent Disability
If you have suffered a permanent disability as a result of your injury, your settlement will be higher than for a temporary disability.
Permanent disabilities can be either partial or total.
Loss of Limbs or Sight
Illinois law automatically considers losing the use of both eyes, your hands, arms, legs, or feet—or any two of those—to be a permanent total disability.
This entitles you to two-thirds of your pre-injury average weekly wage for life.
What Are the Advantages of Working with an Attorney?
The knowledgeable workers’ comp attorneys at VanDerGinst Law know how to calculate the true value of your claim.
Insurance companies will try to minimize your settlement. However, they will take you seriously and be more willing to negotiate when a lawyer is involved.
Insurance companies come up with all kinds of excuses to avoid paying your claim.
For example, they may argue that your condition was preexisting or that your injury doesn’t prevent you from working.
Your lawyer knows how to respond to these arguments and use evidence to support your claim.
How Can VanDerGinst Law Help?
At VanDerGinst Law, we care about each of our clients on a personal level.
Our community is important to us, and we want to make sure that every person gets the representation they deserve.
We have recovered millions of dollars for nearly 25,000 injury victims, and we would be honored to help you as well.
Call or contact us today to learn more.