Dennis and Dana talk to Holly Hoffman about her time on Survivor, coming back from the brink of quitting, and a totally new career path.
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This week on Uncommon Convos, Dennis sits down with a pair of entrepreneurs who are changing the face of the natural supplement market, Robby and Kimi Fender. Tune in to their Uncommon Convo to hear about the importance of financial education, how a rain check for a first date led to thirty years of marriage, when your life partner is also your business partner, recognizing your partner’s superpowers, the mission of “Yoli”, finding success in failures, putting people before profits, the value of putting your skin in the game, the power in simplifying the science, the key to their success with “Yoli”, where to find the energy to stay motivated, transforming lives, recommendations for those looking to improve themselves, Women of Yoli, and so much more.
For more from Robby Fender and to listen his interview on the Yoli Life podcast:
For more from Kimi Fender and to listen her interview on the Yoli Life podcast:
For more about Yoli visit
For more about Women of Yoli visit
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In This Episode
Dennis talks with co founders of Yoli, Robby and Kimi Fender.
Full Episode Transcript
Dennis VanDerGinst (00:00)
Are you interested in physical, emotional, and financial health? Would you like to transform your life and help others transform theirs? If so, stick around for our conversation with Robby and Kimi Fender, two of the founders of Yoli. Hi, I’m Dennis VanDerGinst, join me in a series of entertaining and interesting conversations with entertaining and interesting people. We’ll explore various aspects of the human experience and what makes life more fun. This is Uncommon Convos. Hi, everyone. Welcome to Uncommon Convos. It’s nice to be back for our second season. We’ve made several changes and hope to have a full slate of interesting and entertaining people. And before I introduce today’s interesting and entertaining guests, I’d like to remind you all that if you haven’t already done so, please subscribe to Uncommon Convos on your favorite podcast platform. Leave us comments and reviews and tell your friends to check us out. It’s quick, it’s easy, and it’s free, and by doing so, you’ll be alerted every time a new episode is released. Also, my thanks to our sponsor, VanDerGinst Law. If you’re injured on the job or due to the wrongdoing of others, VanDerGinst Law would be honored to help you anywhere in the country.
Dennis (01:24)
Now, Robby Fender is the CEO, and he and Kimi are 2 of the founders of Yoli. An amazing international network marketing company, which produces incredible natural supplements designed to help increase vitality,energy and balance. I was introduced to Robby and Kimi by Kim Ferness, who, some of you may recall, was my guest for episode eleven and will now soon be Kim VanDerGinst. I am pleased to announce. Anyway, I was fortunate to spend time getting to know Robby and Kimi a couple of months ago in Cancun during a Yoli sponsored trip and was so impressed by them and their story. And more than anything, I loved the integrity and sincerity of Robby, Kimi, the other founders, and the corporate team with respect to their desire to grow the company and help people transform their lives physically, emotionally, and financially. So, Robby and Kimi, thank you so much for being here.
Robby (02:26)
It’s our pleasure. Good to be here, Dennis.
Dennis VanDerGinst (02:29)
It’s really great to see you here. It’ll be better to see you in person once again next month in Punta Cana, and we might have a chance to talk a little bit about that. But, as I mentioned at the onset, I was so impressed with the two of you. I think, Robby, when I first had a chance to talk to you, I told you that Kim had introduced me to Yoli and she kind of set the table. But when I heard you and Kimi and the other founders and the corporate team speak with such integrity and sincerity, that’s what got me to sit down and actually devour Yoli. And I’m glad that I did. Obviously, the success or failure of a company really starts at the top. So what I’d like to do to get things started is have the two of you kind of tell us who you are, where you came from, how you got that start that led to where you are today. And it’s a little difficult when we have two people, but I want to hear from both of you. So I would say ladies first, but I’ll let you guys decide.
Dennis VanDerGinst (03:41)
She points at you!
Robby (03:44)
I definitely think it should be ladies first as well. In fact, I know we’ll be talking about. But Kimi just came off a live Facebook and I got her to jump in here. So I would love for her to kind of chat a little bit.
Kimi (03:58)
I don’t like going first.
Dennis (04:02)
Lady’S wishes. So whatever you like.
Robby (04:05)
Hey, we’ve been married now. Coming up, it’ll be 30 years next February.
Dennis (04:11)
That’s amazing.
Robby (04:12)
I’m going to take my cue from her.
Dennis (04:13)
There you go.
Robby (04:14)
First of all, I just wanted to say, hey, Dennis, thank you for having us come on here and share our story with you. As you mentioned, it was a lot of fun meeting you in Cancun and getting to know you. I know that maybe Kimi will show a little bit, but I know that Kimi got to have some poolside chat.
Robby (04:31)
With you. I can tell you the one thing about those events and what’s so cool about them. In fact, over the last twelve years and you we’ve probably done I know it’s over 30 of these events. And people go, why do you do them? Because I’m a big believer that we’re really all in just we’re in the human being business and human beings, I believe the most valuable commodity on this planet is those relationships that you have. And people ask, how do you build those relationships? It takes time. You hang out with people. Absolutely. That’s what we get to do, right?
Dennis (05:05)
For sure.
Robby (05:06)
So it’s a lot of fun. And that’s what we got to kind of connect and bond. And like you said, we’re looking forward to going to Punta Cana so we can do some more.
Dennis (05:12)
Robby (05:13)
I don’t know if you’re aware of this. I mean, I think there’s four times the amount of people that we had in Cancun that will be there in Punta, Canada.
Dennis (05:18)
I heard that. That’s great. That’s amazing.
Robby (05:21)
So let me jump right in just to give you a little bit of my background. My mom and my dad, again, I was born in Corvallis, Oregon. I will say by the time I was 18, I lived in 16 different homes. People always wonder why. They’re like, why have you lived in so many homes? Again, my dad wasn’t in the military. My mom and dad never divorced. They were always together. They had a wonderful, awesome childhood. It really came down to one thing. My mom and dad did not have a financial education. Hard workers, driven, you know what I mean? Continued. But again, when you don’t have a financial education, it was feast and famine. So people ask, Where did you go? I came from when things were great, we were definitely probably middle class. And when things were bad, we were poor, so I’m really grateful for all of it, Dennis, because I really believe that life doesn’t happen to us. I’m a big believer that life happens for us. And I believe I am a product of who I am today because of what I went through. I’ve learned to really embrace the struggles and brace the obstacles.
Robby (06:32)
They make you better. They make you stronger, really. At a young age, I had a hunger to just understand money. And people go, what is it? It’s not that – I think ‘ve told Kimi this many times that I think money is the most important thing in this world. What it really comes down to is money gives you options. I believe that time is finite. Time is the most precious commodity. In fact, a good friend of mine just recently, now that I’ve hit that 5 – 0 Mark said to me, Robby, I want you to write this down. QTR he goes, Remember that? QTR. And I’m like, what’s that stand for? He goes, Quality time remaining. You need to remind yourself of that every day. How much QTR do you have? And that really was the main reason and focus that I wanted to make sure that I understood money, that I understood investments so that I could do what I want, when I want, with who I want, where I want. Right. And that’s what did lead us into Yoli. I’ll talk about that in a moment. But I knew that money again gave you options to do some really great things.
Robby (07:39)
I think money just amplifies who you are. I think if you’re a really awesome person, money just can make you do more awesome stuff. Right. I also believe the opposite is true. They’re jerks, and money makes them more of that. But that’s their choice, right? So what happened was this, obviously, that was always my goal and my mission. And so as I was moving forward in life, I learned real quick that you’re going to one of my I would say superpowers. As I learned that failure is awesome, I just learned that you have to fail fast. I failed my way to success. It taught me what to do, what not to do. I can tell everybody, all your listeners right now. I have made plenty of mistakes. I’ve lost millions of dollars. I’ve lost companies. I’ve gotten the living tar kicked out of me. And this amazing woman right here has put up through all of it with me. On a personal note, this is more personal. But when I met this Gal, which was in 1990,I’ll just tell this quick story. I had played hooky from work. I was in the loan business. I was a loan officer.
Robby (08:54)
And all of my buddies that work there, we all decided to take the day off. We were straight Commission, and we’re like, hey, we’ve been doing great. Let’s take the day off. So we all did. Well, we come in, and there’s this beautiful blonde sitting in the office, and I see her, and I walk to the back, and I go to see Dave in the back, Dave Robinson. And he’s mad at me. And I’m like, what are you so upset about? He’s like, I go, what’s that girl in there? He goes, well, that’s a temp that I had to call because all of you weren’t there. And I was like, oh, I apologize. I didn’t do on Sunny Day. And I said, Is she going to be back tomorrow? He’s like, not if you guys show up. I go, no, is she going to be back? And then it clicked. He’s like, oh, you want to date her? I go, yeah, look at her. She’s gorgeous. And so Dave brings her back. The next day, I show up, and I will tell you, Dennis, and I think a lot of guys can relate to this. I am so, like, Goo Goo shocked.
Robby (09:48)
I got the butterflies in the belly. I’m sweating. I can barely make eye contact with her. And literally the entire day, I barely said two words to her. It’s almost 5:00. And something in my head said, Dude, this is your last chance. If you don’t go ask her out right now, you may never see this woman again. And so I did. I worked up the nerve. I asked her out, and, look, I can deal with a no, and I can deal with a yes. So her answer completely threw me off. So share with him what you said.
Kimi (10:20)
I hate you telling the story. He asked me, and I wanted to, but my response was, Can I take a rain check?
Dennis (10:31)
That’s not what you want to hear. Well, why was that, Kimmy? Were you not sure?
Kimi (10:44)
Well, no, that wasn’t it. That wasn’t it. So what I was doing at the time is I was a single mom, but I was trying to move out of my little town. I lived in a small town of 10,12 thousand people, and I only wanted to move a half an hour away. And the only reason that I was able to do that is if I got a job there. So I started taking temp jobs there so I could get a job in that other town. And that particular day, I happened to take a friend to College, and I didn’t want to just kind of ignore him or else he couldn’t get home. So it was a legitimate rain check.
Dennis (11:25)
So when then, Robby, did you find out that it was legitimate and actually get the yes.
Robby (11:31)
That’S a great question. I think she must have called me back and got in touch with me, because back then, we had pagers and real phones that were touching the wall, but we did go out. She really did mean a rain check. And then we went to this place called the Hatch Cover that doesn’t exist today, but it was on the river. Beautiful place in Redding, California. And here’s what’s really cool. As I got to know her and as she got to know me, I was a teenage parent. So right after high school, the girl that I was with at that time, right out of high school, my high school sweetheart, she had a baby, and we got married, and then we got divorced and she left the baby with me. And again, it was one of the best things that could ever happen because I went from being 20 to 30 overnight because I wanted to take care of her. And so I meet Kimi and I’m asking questions about her, and maybe she can kind of share with you a little bit about her little bit background.
Dennis (12:32)
Yeah, for sure.
Kimi (12:33)
Yeah. No, I was actually in the same boat. I got married at 17 and pregnant and divorced at 19. And I just needed to get like I said, I needed to get out of this little tiny town. And that’s what took me to the next one. And we just had so much in common because the way Robby puts it, at that age, at 20 and 22 with children, you kind of feel like you’re damaged goods.
Robby (13:04)
Kimi (13:04)
We thought, noone is ever going to date us!
Kimi (13:06)
It’s like we got baggage and our bag, and we kind of knew that together and we put our baggage together and have been working on it for 30 years .
Robby (13:18)
And I would say this, I had zero interest in getting married and she had zero interest in getting married, but it was kind of cool. We’re like, wow, like God put us together. I mean, this is great. We just could relate to each other on so many levels. And quite frankly, I think what’s made Kimi and I accomplish so much is because of what we went through at such a young age. When most of our friends at 20 were playing and partying. We had two kids that we needed to raise, and we had jobs, and we just went right into work mode, didn’t we? Yeah.
Dennis (13:56)
And I love that you shared that story with me before, and I’d heard it through My Kim before, and I loved that. I always feel like there is a plan or a purpose when things kind of unfold that way. You can call it God’s plan or whatever Kismet you want to refer to. But obviously that worked out well for the both of you. As you said. Maybe it’s because you had kids, you felt like you were damaged goods. You leaned on each other. You wanted to accomplish so much for each other and for the kids. So I think that’s obviously a great thing that that happened now. What question that rises to me then is 30 years now. Since then, you’ve mentioned all the other businesses, and I know that you have other businesses Besides Yoli, I also know that you are business partners in these businesses. How do you go from those beginnings, those humble beginnings, to that point in time, especially with your significant other as your business partner and your life partner, but both without either going insane or killing each other and being successful.
Robby (15:20)
Oh, God. If I sat there and said that it was easy, fun and simple, that’d be a big fat lie. No, I mean, there’s times I can tell you right now, there are times where Kimi wants to kill me. And I’m sure I’ve wanted to kill Kimi. Right.
Kimi (15:35)
Let’s just say his very first business, because he did go off on his own and open up his own mortgaging company. And so I was his Secretary, his front office person. I hated every second. I’m sure we hated each other. I go, I will never, ever work for you again. I went to dental school, and so we did our own thing for many years.
Robby (16:05)
No, it’s true. So, Dennis, to answer the question again, failing our way to success, finding out what works, what doesn’t work. Like, even with Yoli now, Kimi and I are very much involved, but we totally understand each other’s sandbox. Right? When it comes to the women of Yoli, and I know you guys will chat about that later. That’s Kimi’s thing. I have nothing to do with it. I’m not involved in it. I mean, I’m not asking any questions about it. And I’m on business. I mean, same thing in our real estate world. When Kimi and I go and have a new project, we know our sandbox. If we’re building something, building a new home. Look, I’ll take care of the design. I’ll take care of the architecture, I’ll take care of the engineering. But that was my point. When it comes to a color, when it comes to how it’s going to look, the feel, I even tell the different contractors don’t even come to me.
Dennis (17:00)
Like, go to her.
Robby (17:01)
But then if they go to her in regards to Internet and technology, the construction of it, or also, I’ll take care of the negotiation. I do all the negotiating on different things. So she’ll go and pick something. Then I got to kind of go behind her and work it out. I taught her things like, don’t tell anyone you love it. Just say, okay. It looks kind of okay. Hide your passion. It helps me out on my right.
Dennis (17:29)
Negotiate a little bit.
Kimi (17:31)
Yeah, I love that.
Dennis (17:33)
Yeah, for sure. Well, since you’re mentioning some of these other interests in your strengths, you always been around for.
Robby (17:43)
What, twelve years now?
Dennis (17:45)
Okay. And you guys have been together for 30. So what were some of the other businesses that you were involved in, either separately or together before Yoli?
Robby (17:59)
Yeah, great question. And there’s a lot of businesses. One thing that I learned real quick, Dennis, I shouldn’t say real quick. I wish I’d say learn really quick. One thing I learned over time and after losing a lot of money was to listen to my wife a lot more tapping into her superpowers. I’ll give you one example. There was a gutter company, gutter business that I was really the money behind more than anything else. And I know my wife had made it really clear she didn’t like the partner and that we probably shouldn’t be doing that. And we did it. And it was two years of just hell. Right? I wanted to be the silent partner. I ended up having to completely take over, take over the books, take over the company, get the company sold, literally just to try to recoup some of our funds and money. But I guess I share that story because, again, you learn a lot. You do have to pay attention to. In fact, this is a big one. Whoever you’re going to partner with, whoever you’re going to bring on your team, whoever you’re going to hire. I’m a big believer in slow to hire, quick to fire.
Robby (19:01)
And really, when it comes to partnerships, that’s even more important. And I may have shared this when I was in Cancun, but I can tell you right now that anytime I’m hiring an executive or a C-level position, Kimi is right there. She is right there in the interview process. She is right there. When we go to dinner, she won’t talk a lot. She’ll do this. But Kimmy is a phenomenal listener, and Kimmy is phenomenal at watching body language. And if she has a bad vibe, we won’t hire that person. If she likes them, then we’ll give it a shot. So I’ve, over time, found that’s her superpower. Right. She’s phenomenal at it. I can sell the person. I mean, they’re attracted to my energy. And so if we like the person, then I can turn that on to recruit the right people. Right.
Dennis (19:47)
Well, speaking of energy, I want to talk about that a little bit. And what I have noticed is a cult of personality when it comes to Yoli. But before we get to that, I want to introduce the listeners and viewers to the idea of Yoli. Sure. What is it? I guess we’d start by just having you introduce what Yoli is. But I also want to mention that when my Kim introduced Yoli to me, for the longest time, I thought it was Yolo. I’ve heard Yolo many times. Oh, that’s a good name for a company. But then when I was corrected and realized it was Yoli, I had no idea. Now, obviously, I know what that means now. I have an idea of where it came from. But why don’t you share that with our audience?
Robby (20:39)
That’s actually a great story. I don’t think we did share this when we were in Cancun. So in the early days of Yoli, this would be back in 2008, we were talking to a lot of different people, and they were introducing us to all different types of products. And there was this one individual who brought us this incredible product. And they said, oh, Robby, you’ve got to have a product. It was called with the prickly pear. And it was a juice blend that they want to do. And we really weren’t interested in an actual juice because we had learned that when you pasteurize these juices, it kills everything. So we didn’t want that. But what was interesting is the name they want to call the juice. They said, oh, we’re going to call it Yoli. And I had never heard that before. And we immediately both said, what does Yoli even mean? And they said, oh, Yoli is an Aztec word that means to live. And after he shared that, the minute the guy walked out of the door, I looked at Kimi and I looked at the other partners, and we’re like, that’s an awesome name.
Robby (21:38)
I wonder if it’s trademarked. And it was not trademarked. I wonder who owns And we found out that it was owned by a Korean individual in South Korea called a friend of ours, Eugene, who spoke Korean. And that began a multiple, many months of negotiating. But that’s how we got, which is a four We wanted something easy to say, something easy to remember, but we love the meaning of it, to live. That’s what people want to do. If I’m on this planet, I want to live. I want to live to the map. So that’s how the name came about.
Dennis (22:11)
Well, and how did you get to that stage where you had decided? And I guess I should preface this by saying that again. And I keep saying Mike, him versus Kimmy. But Mike had said, you got to be sure to ask them about the story as to how the founders came together. Not that I wouldn’t have done that otherwise, but thank you for that. How it was that you, I guess, evolved to the point that you wanted to do these types of products and this type of business, a network marketing type of business, rather than typical retail or something along those lines. So how does that start and evolve?
Robby (23:01)
Great question. Great question. And I’ll go back to 1995,I’ll even go prior to that, I can go back to my mom was in a network marketing company called Herbal Life, and I remember sitting at home watching my mom and all her girlfriends watching these satellites where I’d watch Mark Hughes and I’d watch Larry Thompson. So I was infatuated by it. And back then, my mom had a lot of success in the late 80s. My mom was, I think, making around $5,000 a month. And it was huge for my mom. It had made a huge impact on her and all her friends. So at least I had a positive experience. But with that being said, Dennis, I also kind of in my head said, oh, that’s something that moms do, right? So I kind of did that. And then I remember I dabbled a few times in some network marketing companies, and not once, twice. And Kimi was a part of it. They went out of business. And so then I kind of had a negative attitude towards it. Now, truth be told, everyone needs to hear this. I didn’t do my homework, right. There’s existing franchises right now that are amazing, and there’s really franchises out there that are terrible.
Robby (24:14)
You got to do your homework. I learned that lesson. You got to do your homework on the companies and stuff. So I kind of put it away for a while. And Kimi and I just stayed focused. And I was building a mortgage brokerage company. And then in 95, I’ll never forget, I had a guy who and again, I was always looking for other investments and other ways to generate passive income. And I had a guy’s name was Mike Kohler from Blue Bell, Pennsylvania, who sent me some information. I was very infatuated. He was making money through direct mail, and I wanted to know more about that. So I called him direct. He sent me information. And I’m telling you, Dan, the minute I opened it up, I saw circles. And when I see circles, I’m like, oh, it’s one of those things. It’s one of those network marketing things. And I’m embarrassed to say it, but I threw it in the trash can. And then he did something really smart. He did this thing called follow up. He called my office not once, not twice, not three times, not four times. I forget how many times until finally one of the guys up front who was answering the phone said, his name is Donovan.
Robby (25:10)
He’s like, Robby, would you please just talk to this guy? Because he will not quit calling him. So I did. I got on the phone, and he asked me two questions. He says, Robby, it’s very evident that you’re successful. How much money did you make? And I was so proud. I couldn’t wait to tell him how much money I made in my 20s. I’m making six figures. And he goes, that’s incredible. He goes, now, what are you going to have to do next year to make that? I didn’t like that question because I knew how much time I had sacrificed to do it. He said, look, you can say no to this. That’s fine. But he goes, Why don’t you do your homework, do your due diligence, and know what you’re saying no to. That was logical. I gave him my word that I would dig in and I would do the research. So that weekend, I pulled it out, and I put in an audio cassette tape is what it was at the time, and listened to it. And on that tape was a gentleman by the name of Robert G. Allen. Now, I told you.
Robby (25:56)
Passion of mine has been real estate since my teens. Still a passion of mine. I knew who Robert Allen was, and Robert Allen was involved with that company. Blew my mind. Dennis Waitley was on there. Brian Tracy was on there. These are other mentors people that I’ve studied for self development, and they were involved. And that’s when I went to my wife and said, I want to do this. I want to do this company. And so I jumped in. And, Dennis, I failed miserably, and I got my butt kicked. I was not good at it. But I will tell you one thing. This had a lot to do with Kimi. I told Kimi that I was going to do it. And Kimi, what did you tell me? Tell everybody what you said. No.
Kimi (26:38)
I didn’t understand why.
Robby (26:40)
Yes, I had what you call the unsupported spouse. Am I right?
Kimi (26:47)
I didn’t know what it was or anything. So it’s like, I’m working. You’re working. Why do you need to do something else? We’re making it. We’re paying our bills. Barely. I just didn’t get it right.
Robby (27:01)
And so you made up me promise.
Kimi (27:03)
Don’t text me. Did you do this with Kim? Just like Kim finish my sentence, and she has no idea what you’re talking about.
Robby (27:16)
Oh, yeah, except she knows.
Dennis (27:18)
But we don’t have 30 years under our belt.
Kimi (27:27)
Yeah. No, I just didn’t understand why he wanted to do it.
Robby (27:31)
Kimi (27:32)
And you made me promise promise to keep the mortgaging company, which is fine.
Robby (27:38)
And that was a really important lesson. I’ve always told everybody, whenever you’re building a side hustle or you’re building something else, of course, keep your other streams of income. And I did that. And again, I failed miserably for a long time. Finally, Dennis, I got in touch with a mentor. I found somebody through their books, through their tapes, through their audio tapes. That was making literally no joke. This is back in the guy was making over $100,000 a month, which to me, I couldn’t even wrap my head around it. My goal was $500. That was my goal. I want to make $500. That would pay half of my mortgage back then. So that was my goal. I felt my way to success. But I did. I put the Blinders on. I focused. I learned the fundamentals. And then it happened. I made that $500. And guess what happens when you make $500? You’re like, that’s awesome. 1000 would be better, right? And so we just focused, and we built. And sure enough, over a two year period, we had built a six figure passive income. It was phenomenal.
Dennis (28:34)
I’m assuming that’s what got you excited about network marketing.
Robby (28:39)
It did. It made us believers.
Dennis (28:41)
Okay, so how did that evolve from getting to that six figure stage to deciding, hey, I want to get some people together and invest in putting together my own little story that she wants first.
Robby (28:58)
Dennis, it’s really important to know that I did not want to start a network marketing company. I had told multiple people that was the last thing I even said the words, I will never start a network marketing company because what I love about the profession, the reason I fell in love with it, is the company and network marketing. They do all the work. I fell in love with this. I’m like, wait a minute. I can go to my mom and my dad and get them on some nutritional products that are going to have a huge impact on their lives. And the company does all of the formulating, the branding, the manufacturing. The company takes care and collects the money. The company takes care of the shipping and the handling. The company takes care of all the customer service. I mean, literally, I remember sharing when I was in my twenty s, I could be laying on a beach, and they send money and deposit checks in my mailbox. Now they just put the money in our account. But back then, I collect these checks. I’m like, I called it beach money. I was like, this is the most awesome money in the world, and everyone wins.
Robby (30:01)
I have thousands of customers that would to this day. Thank you. That’s the other thing is really cool. I still get passive income from something I did 20 years ago.
Dennis (30:10)
That’s funny.
Robby (30:13)
Yeah. By the way, people ask, what got Kimi to support you? What made her a believer? I showed her the money.
Dennis (30:20)
Show me the money.
Robby (30:23)
That’s how it happened. And I will say I also connected her. We went to a couple of events. This is when we’re in our 20s. We went on a cruise ship, we met friends, and we got to be a part of the culture.
Kimi (30:36)
That’s the funnest part. It’s just meeting other people likeminded, and from all over the place. You’re not stuck in your little town anymore. You’re getting up.
Robby (30:46)
It was incredible. It was incredible. I mean, go ahead.
Kimi (30:49)
No, I was just going to say, but tell them when you wanted to start this company.
Robby (30:53)
Kimi (30:53)
All right.
Dennis (30:55)
We went from they do all of it to now you are. They do get there.
Robby (31:03)
What happened was only two times, Dennis. I built a business again in the then in the early two thousand s, a good friend of mine, Darren Falter, who wrote the book how to select a Network Market Company, told me he was going to get back into the profession. I missed it. And so I locked arms with him with the second company. And I was like, this will be great. And I wanted to build international. That was just a dream of mine. So we built out in Guam, and then we shot over to Australia, and we built out in Australia. And then we went to, what was it, Singapore? And we started building out there and had a blast. I mean, I loved it and again, got me back connected. We started doing the trips again. Kimi and I got to go to Rome for the very first time. But what ended up happening was then, well, everyone’s going to remember this. In 2007, I could see a little bit of the writing on the wall because, again, we still owned and operated our mortgage banking company. We still are in real estate. And I could see something that was wrong, something was broken, because I was thinking, wait a minute.
Robby (32:03)
I remember sitting in my office looking out the window, and I saw a local homeless person and an individual. And I thought to myself, you know, if he has a Social Security card right now, I can put him in any house he wants. That’s crazy. But I could. And that’s when I realized this is going to fall apart. So Kimi and I, and again, because of our past and getting beat up, we were really sitting in a good position, and I wanted to protect that. So I started really making maneuvers and adjusting our portfolio and real estate back in seven. And then eight hit hard. When it hit hard, I’m talking it affected everybody. It affected our real estate. It affected the network market. I don’t know of anyone who wasn’t affected by it. And we were in a good position. But I can tell you right now that a lot of our friends and a lot of our family were losing their homes. I was seeing it all over the place. And I remember saying to Kimi that I go, if I hadn’t been for network marketing, I don’t think we would be sitting here because of what we had built in the passive income.
Robby (33:04)
It’s been life changing. And I told all things I loved about it. Then I started to share with all things I didn’t like about it. I didn’t like how a lot of the owners ran these companies. I didn’t like how they focused too much on the money and not enough on just people and products and helping people. So to me, it was almost like, again, I told all the things I didn’t like. I didn’t like the bad name that it had, but rightfully so, the profession did it to themselves, and it’s human nature. And I just went off, off. And then Kim goes like this. She literally puts her hand right in my face. And I’m like, what is she doing? She literally put her hand on my face and says, well, then do something about it. Got up and walked away for a brief moment, Dennis, I was a little like, what? A little upset? And then I thought, yeah, she’s right. And she planted the seed. So she planted the seed. And for the first time in 20 plus years, because I swear I was going to never do this. I said, yeah, why not?
Robby (34:02)
You know what? I’m 38 years old at this time. Why not? Let’s look into this. And that’s what started the journey. We wanted to create a company that truly helped human beings. Right? Look, I’m all about helping somebody make some extra side cash, some extra income, some even full time income, some passive income. It’s a beautiful thing, but let’s make sure that that money is coming because you’re helping people. You’re helping people transform their lives physically. Transform their lives emotionally. Let’s make sure that the emotional and the physical transformation is the top priority, and then let the financial transformation become as a result of that. And that’s what we set out on a mission to do. I mean, did we do everything right?
Robby (34:49)
Oh, my gosh. The first two years ago, it was brutal. A couple of things we did right is I think we picked good partners. By this time in my life, I had learned you got to pick partners. And so the partners that I have, I knew already. I had already done businesses with them. I had already mentioned one, which was Darren Falter. I have known Darren since the 90s. I’ve known him longer than all of them. And we were cross line in my first venture, and the next venture, we partnered, did it together and built it. We traveled all over. And then in that second company, I met Corey Citron, I met Bobby Jones. We put together our own events. We put together. I mean, the company wasn’t doing them, so we put together our own cruise. And so we did a cruise. We had like 600 people we had on a cruise ship together. And we built that culture. We’re having a blast together. So when I made the decision I was going to do this, I said to Kimi, I go, Look, I wrote these names on a piece of paper, and I said, I’m going to call every one of these guys who I had already done partners with.
Robby (35:47)
And Kimi already gave me a stamp of approval. I go, if any one of them says no, we’re going to kill this idea. Evidently, they all said yes, which was very cool. And here was the other thing, Dennis, we self funded this company. No, we didn’t go to outside sources. I was sitting in a pretty good financial position. All of the partners were as well. And then I told them, we’re all going to have to write really big checks because I knew that if we put our skin in the game when the going got tough, we’ll persevere. And that ended up being very true, because what we had to put into this company, we thought we were going to have to spend, and what we ended up having to spend was so much more money. I didn’t think I was going to have to live in Salt Lake City because that’s where we found the company. And sure enough, we ended up living in Salt Lake City. Everything I told Kimmi ended up being kind of a lie, not intentionally, but ended up being a lie. But we did it. We sacrificed, we did those things.
Robby (36:39)
We put that skin in the game. And again, when it got tough, I believe it made us better. And that’s what continues to happen in Yoli. Every time we kind of get complacent or we kind of go flat a little bit or sales go down, it makes us get stronger. And again, we believe obstacles the way and we always come out as a better company on top of it. So fast forward, two years into it, we come up and we create the Better Body System. And the core products in The Better Body System at that time were four of the five that you see. And we didn’t have our resolve, but we had these incredible Alkali, which is this patented product that we have, that alkalizes, the Body best way to tell your listeners how that product works. It’s like instead of eating £20 of raw broccoli, you can take a capsule, a 50 cent capsule. It’s so much easier. And again, it’s a patent product we have. But we knew that when you alkalize, the body not only puts the body into a much healthier state, it allows the body to lose weight, right?
Robby (37:34)
It helps the body shed pounds. And so we took that product along with our Yoli Essential Shape, which we call. Yes. And then our passion, which was our metabolic booster. We wanted a product that was a healthy energy with green tea and vitamin B and get those cell receptors going. So we took that. And then the big one was our pure, which is you got to have great gut health. It’s Kimi’s favorite product in the whole wide world. It helps people more regular, become more regular. Women really need it, especially when they travel. It makes a huge difference. So we put that together. And then the magic was we systematized it. We thought, you know what, too many people are given all these products and they don’t know what to do with them. We took a ridiculous amount of science and just made it simple. Here’s the thing. It’s easy, Dennis, to make things complicated. It takes a lot of work and a lot of focus to simplify, and that’s what we did. We created an Orange Day and a blue Day and we tell them specifically what to take. And guess what? They get the results.
Robby (38:34)
And when people start losing £7 in seven days or more, they’re blown away. And I tell everybody, look, your body is not meant to be overweight. It never has been. When you start to do the right thing, everything we put in our mouth is medicine. It’s medicine that’s hurting us or helping us, but everything you put in your mouth. So we want to create products and things that when you put them in your mouth, they taste amazing. They taste great. In fact, people even tell me they’re like, Robbie, you know what I love about the Olympic body system? What’s that? I feel like I’m cheating all day when I’m drinking this chocolate shake. When I’m drinking, I feel like I’m cheating and it works. And then you tell me to have a cheat day. I love that, too. So I go on and on. Obviously, I love what we’ve created. When we came out with that, the company exploded. I mean, we grew by 578%. That’s when we turned into a multi, multi million dollar company quite quickly because we were helping people. At the end of the day, it’s helping people. And then, yeah, as you had mentioned, and expanded through all 50 States.
Robby (39:28)
Then we went into Canada. And people always ask, you guys have really good product. I’m like, did you hear what I just said? We’re in Canada. Do you know how hard it is to get a product in Canada? Yes. So in Canada and now we’re in the Philippines and yeah, here we are. Twelve years later, man. And now we’ve had countless lives transformed. And because of that, we also have people that have had crazy financial transformations.
Dennis (39:51)
And you’re certainly on a track to become a billion dollar company, which is that goal that I’m sure you probably didn’t even imagine. Well, maybe you did because you set your goals high. But as a lawyer, this is the lawyer in me. And the technical and legal differences between what has been commonly referred to as a pyramid scheme versus a legitimate and I know you mentioned the stigma that sometimes attached with multi level marketing or network marketing, but for the audience, how would you distinguish what has really made a bad name for some of those types of businesses versus what Yoli is and what it’s about and what it’s accomplishing and why it’s being so successful?
Robby (40:47)
Yeah, I’m happy to do that. I’m happy to do that. Here’s what happens. And look, it’s just human nature. It’s human beings. They don’t mean to do it, but what happens in our profession is people. This is a business where you want to help other people you want to get. But people figure out, wait a minute, I need leverage. If I can get my brother Bob to do this and I get my sister Carol, what’s the path of least resistance?
Dennis (41:13)
Oh, here it is.
Robby (41:14)
We’re all going to get rich. People are attracted to that. So they leave with that. They leave with we’re going to get rich, Dennis. Hey, you want to get rich? Dennis like, yeah, I want to get rich. And then, hey, let’s call your brother, sister, aunt and uncle, and let’s ask them if they want to get rich. I know I’m oversimplifying it, but this is really what’s taking place and happening. And at the beginning, it seems like it’s working because everyone’s coming on board. But unfortunately, guess what? When the dust clears, no one got rich except for maybe one person. And guess what that means. Everyone’s really upset, everyone’s angry. And then guess what happens? Everyone says, hey, this is one of those pyramid things. This hurt people. And the truth is it did. It was done incorrectly. It was done wrong. I was really grateful. That what I learned in my mid twenty s. And the reason I continue to get passive income from the first thing I ever built is we focused on getting customers, which if you think about it, if I look at most businesses, even a lawyer, a doctor, a dentist, or any franchise, what is it that they really do?
Robby (42:19)
What is it that they do? I believe it’s. They want to acquire and keep more customers than those customers that are leaving or quitting. I think that’s the purpose of a real business, a legit business. Right. So what we realized is again, in network marketing, again, what is network marketing? If you were to ask me, it’s simply a mini franchise. That’s really what it is. It’s a mini franchise that doesn’t cost you hundreds of millions of dollars to start. I mean, think about it. What does Yoli or any really good solid network marketing company do? They do the branding, they do the marketing, they do all the manufacturing, right? They do the shipping, the handling, they do the accounting. I can go on and on. They create all the hardware, the software, the back end support. I mean, it’s a beautiful thing. So the key is, in my opinion, if you want to build something that’s sustainable, something that’s long term. And the reason I think we’ve been around for twelve years and I believe over the next twelve you’re going to see this company Ten X is because we’ve been doing it right now.
Robby (43:20)
What do I mean by right? It’s a customer focused company. Let’s start with helping the customer. Let’s help them get a physical and an emotional transformation. Let’s help have them get some success. We do that. The financial piece is now built on a solid foundation, not built on hype, not built on promises that we’re not going to fulfill. And that’s been a monster key to our success. Now, you said something earlier. It’s interesting. When we set out to build the only I never set out to be a billion dollar company. I even said things like that. I wanted to build a stable company. I wanted to build something that was strong, didn’t care if we were the biggest, didn’t care for us. Quite frankly, I didn’t even want to be on the radar. I mean, we’ve been asked to be in certain things like the DSN Top 100, all these different things. And I’m like we always decline and we’re a privately held company. We keep it that way because we didn’t want that to be the focus. Our mission is real. We want to transform as many lives as possible, physically, emotionally, and financially.
Robby (44:24)
That’s where we kept our focus. And that ended up being a really smart and good decision. And what happened was we had a lot of success. And quite frankly, this is on me. I got Complacent and I thought, this is good. This is beautiful problem is with Complacent, when you get Complacent, it’s kind of like we invented an iPhone, but we forgot to evolve that iPhone. And that’s a problem because if a company is not growing, it’s dying. And then I realized, oh, no, if I don’t stay focused, if we don’t continue to grow, we’ll die. If we die, then all of a sudden all of these people, our customers, our members, our corporate team, our staff, you know what I mean? This could be on. And I was like, we don’t want it to die and we need to grow. And so that’s important. That’s critical. And then I realized, okay, if the mission really is to transform lives and we really do want to have huge impact, well, then we must grow. And why not be a billion dollar company? That means we’re going to have bigger impact. And why not go beyond that mindset.
Robby (45:27)
She’s right. We changed the mindset. And Kimi and I realized it really is our purpose. I just said to her in the car, we were just at corporate yesterday in Salt Lake City, and I literally drove in the parking lot. I’m pulling into corporate office. I looked right at him and said, you know, we need Yoli just as much as Yoli needs us. It really is our purpose.
Kimi (45:47)
We need a purpose.
Robby (45:48)
We all need purpose. That’s where the blue comes into play.
Dennis (45:52)
And one of the things that I noticed, too, like in revisiting this issue of pyramid scheme versus legit network marketing. And obviously, I haven’t been as exposed for as long as some of the people I know that are involved in Yoli. But the compensation plan seems to be much fairer where in what’s considered a pyramid scheme, it seemed like the money all flows upwards, where this compensation plan allows anybody to out earn anybody above their collateral or below, et cetera, which is, I think, really laudable and makes a huge difference, especially for those people just getting involved.
Robby (46:40)
Yeah, it’s huge. And people always say, does the network market company change their compensation plan? And the answer is, absolutely, we enhance it. We’re constantly looking, how do you reward that brand new person that’s going out there and getting some customers? How can we put more money in their pocket? We’re constantly looking at that. And in fact, you’re even going to see even this year alone, us even making even more improvements on that, because it’s really true. We live in a world now where social selling is a real thing. And if your listeners don’t know what I mean by social selling, here’s what might shock them. If they’re online. Anyone who’s on social media right now is social selling. You’re either getting paid for it or you’re not. But I guarantee you’re social selling. If you’re online, you post a vacation you’re on. You just did some social selling on the resort you’re at. If you’re at a restaurant, you just post it. You just did some social selling on the restaurant you’re at. I mean, we’re all doing it in Yoli. We figured out, wait a minute. If we’re already doing this, why not partner up and help those people who love the better body system when they’re social selling, give them financial benefit for helping other people.
Robby (47:52)
That’s what’s happening. We’re really breaking it down to the simple where you go out and get a customer, you earn some money, you go out and keep a customer, you earn some money. That’s it. There’s the whole plan. Dennis.
Dennis (48:02)
Yeah. I’m going to shift gears just a little bit. And I kind of alluded to this earlier. Having attended now one Yoli event, I was, as I mentioned, certainly impressed, inspired, motivated. And I mentioned this feeling that there was this momentum that spurred by this cult of personality, which I don’t mean anything weird or bad about it. What I mean is that I simply think that the two of you inspire people to a frenzied level. For instance, we’ll talk a little bit about the we transform live chat, for instance. But my first question is, what gives you the energy? What inspires you? And along those lines, I’d like to hear from each of you what you think each other’s strengths and weaknesses are.
Robby (48:59)
I’ll be happy to do that after 30 years. Well, you’ll get to hear Kimi. She’ll be really good at it. Do you want to go first?
Robby (49:04)
All right. So I will tell you this. So the energy is simple. I think we all ask this question. We all ask the question, why am I on this planet? What’s my purpose? Why am I here? And deep down, I think once we tap into a purpose bigger than ourselves, once we tap into like, in my case, it’s to have impact every single day. I wake up in the morning, I don’t know if you can see this picture behind it’s, a piece of art that Kimi and I purchased when we were in Bali. And what I loved about it is I believe that we get to choose. Look, life is going to happen to all of us. We can’t always control what happens to us. We can’t always control what’s happening around us. But we 100% get to choose how we’re going to respond to it. And my thing is I want to live in a beautiful state of mind no matter what is happening. I want to see the good and learn from all my experiences. That’s what I’m going to choose. And I know I’m on this planet to transform as many lives as possible on a physical, emotional, financial level.
Robby (50:12)
Yoli is the biggest tool, the biggest vehicle we use to do that. It gives people that hope, right? It gives them part of something to belong and love and purpose and be a part of. So I believe when we tap into why we’re really here, you know, because you can’t wait to get out of bed, you’re excited. I will say this. This is true. And I’ll tell you a little story. I remember I was in Las Vegas. This had to be gosh two decades ago, I think now. But I was in Vegas and I was getting ready to speak to a couple of thousand people. And I’m lying in bed and kimi says, I really need to talk to you. Well, Dennis, you know, when your spouse says, you really need to talk to you, it was like, what? This is serious. And I lean over, she looks at me and she says, Look, I really love you. And I’m thinking, oh, great. Now she says, I want you to know something. You need to let the people know on that stage that you don’t do drugs. I’m like what? She goes, yeah. She goes, People don’t know that God made you this way.
Robby (51:11)
Like, you are naturally higher than the average person. And so, sure enough, my opening story was this story, and they laughed so hard. And I’ve been sharing that story ever since. So, Dennis, in full disclosure, I don’t do drugs.
Kimi (51:23)
I do drink passion.
Robby (51:24)
I probably don’t need to drink the passion. And it does get me going even more. God made me this way. So one of my superpowers is my enthusiasm. It’s my love of life. It’s my excitement, it’s my energy. But I can tell you every superpower has the opposite about right for every action was the opposite reaction. So I tend to not listen well. I tend to run over people. I tend to overtalk people. I tend to dominate conversations. Anyone listening to this podcast will definitely say, wow, Ronny, never shut up talking. Those are my superpowers. That’s it where Kimi is beautiful, in my opinion, is she really is my opposite. She’s very calm, she’s very cool. She’s very collective. She’s listening, she’s watching. She’s listening to people’s body. She has this incredible intuition on human beings. Like, she could get a vibe off someone really quick. I’ve literally been with her and will meet someone within five minutes. She’d be like, I really love this person or I really hate this person. And she probably doesn’t say that. She’s very spot on. I mean, she’s very spot on it and stuff. So it’s really great.
Robby (52:35)
She’s helping me become a better listener. She’s helping me. So a lot of her strengths, she’s helping me on. But we do complement each other in a huge way. Another thing she’s great at is we’ll go into a room, whether it’s 100 or 1000 people. And I always say, we’ll divide and conquer. Like, I’ll go left, she’ll go right. And she loves human beings, man. She loves them. She loves nothing more than we do an event, just mingling with everybody, having fun. I mean, Kimi and I, we don’t hide it. We love wine. I call it bonding water. And I love to sit down with friends and people we just met and have some bonding water. It’s kind of like money. It just makes you more who you are. Right? Listen, so her superpowers.
Kimi (53:19)
My superpowers. Oh, my goodness. I do love people. My childhood, growing up, very quiet family. It was just me, my mom, and my sister. So we’re very quiet. And when I first met Robby, he was calm that day. But then, as I know him, he actually kind of scared me a little bit. It was like he’s a little too much. But he grows on you because it got to the point because my whole family is super mellow. And it got to the point where we’re going to a relative house on my side of the family. And he’s like, okay, I’ll see you later. I go, no, you got to go. And he’s like, Why? And I go Because it’s going to be super quiet. We need your energy. And he’s like, okay. And he does. He just lights everybody up. And I just love it. And I have to say, I kind of thrive on it because when he’s gone out of the house, I can just sit and read and be mellow. But when he’s here, Kimi, we’re going to do this at this time. We’re going to do this at this time. I’m not like that.
Kimi (54:39)
So he is definitely the Energizer of the family, of the company, of every love adventure I do.
Robby (54:46)
And Kimi loves change.
Dennis (54:48)
She loves change.
Robby (54:50)
So it works.
Dennis (54:51)
That’s great. And along those lines, like I mentioned before, I kept hearing that mantra, we transform lives. We transform lives in Cancun. And there were so many people there that were so energized. Like I mentioned, it comes from the top down. And myself included, was so inspired by the energy that the two of you exude the genuine feeling of caring and love for everyone, wanting them to do better. And I think that the people that were there also seem to be the type of people that are wanting to improve themselves, not just financially, but they’re the kind of people that I assume are looking at the self help books and listening to the great speakers that have been on probably stages with you in the past and certainly have their own series of inspirational books and things of that nature. So I guess what I want to ask the two of you is, first of all, do you have any such favorite authors, any favorite mentors or speakers who are the people that you would direct, the audience that attends a Yoli event or the audience that’s listening now that wants to improve themselves or have more self awareness, where would you direct them to have that kind of thing?
Robby (56:29)
It’s a great question. Great question. First, for those that are in Yoli, our members and our customers, we’re constantly wanting to feed them. And that’s why we do the live events. And when I say live events online offline. In fact, we just recently had, as you’re aware, of Dennis, what we call our Yoli Academy, which we had over 900 I know, 920 some odd people registered for that event. And it was packed. And you’re asking me, why is it so packed? Because people deep down, we want to grow, we want to learn. My mentor always said, for things change, you have to change. For things to get better, you have to get better. And so I know that if I continue to grow and I continue to improve, then I have more to give. I have more to teach, more to help other people. So I’m constantly wanting to grow and learn so that I can help people. So we give that. But to answer your question specifically, there’s really been two types of mentors. There’s been those mentors who are actually real people that I have just come into my life that people really don’t know about over time.
Robby (57:31)
And I learned that some of the most successful people in the world, this is in my younger years, I would ask them if I could take them to lunch. And it was amazing. I don’t think very few people do that. They couldn’t wait to go to lunch. And then it would start out as one lunch, and it would turn into a monthly thing. One of my most incredible mentors financially was a gentleman by the name of Dennis Barry, who recently passed. But Dennis had a huge impact on my life. I mean, huge in so many areas. So the one thing I would share with all your listeners is don’t be scared to ask. I mean, it’ll blow you away. There’s a lot of amazing people who have made it big in all areas of life. I’m not just talking about finances, relationships, whatever it is you ask them. So I’ve done that. But now to ask people other things that I do is people like Jim Rohn, who Jim Rohn died, but you can still listen to his audience. You can still go to his YouTubes and you can just absorb from him and learn from him.
Robby (58:27)
He has a series called The Challenge to Succeed. I’ve lost count how many times I’ve been through that series. Right. I’m a Dale Carnegie fan. How to Win Friends and Influence People. Once a year, I grab that book and I listen to it and I take notes. I’ve done it with all of my children. I’m also when it comes to money, I’m a Robert Kiyosaki fan. Rich dad, poor dad. I listen to his series. I’ve listened to his podcast continue to do things like that. Right. And then a lot of people will know some of these others because of bigger names, like your Tony Robbins. Of course. I’m a Tony Robbins fan, and I love going to his events. I think Tony will wake you up. There’s other things you’re going to need to do to continue that growth. But, boy, is that a guy that will get you out of your comfort. Is he for everybody? No. And that’s okay. That’s the other thing I’d tell your listeners, find the people that resonate with you. Right. There’s another guy that I really like him. I enjoy this guy. Kind of drives my wife’s nuts.
Robby (59:21)
But she likes the content, which is Darren Hardy. I’m a big Darren Hardy fan. I personally know Darren. I’ve actually had Darren to our live events multiple times. But his content is phenomenal. Phenomenal. And he does a thing called Darren Daily that I do every day. Religiously forever. Right. For years. And the other thing, Dennis, that I do is I always have an accountability partner. And this is a person I’ve only really had two really big ones. One passed away in an accident, but the other one, which is a gentleman by name of Harold. Harold Snow. I met Harold six years ago. Seven years ago, 2016, I actually went to an event that I paid a lot of money to go to. It was for CEOs. And again, the companies had to do so much in volume. But I went there with one purpose, to find an accountability partner. I wanted to find somebody that was outside of my world, but just blew me away in so many areas. And I’ve always find it’s fun to have an accountability partner that keeps you humble. I exercise a little bit people here that I’ll do 100 sit ups.
Robby (01:00:22)
I’ll do 50 push ups every single day. They’re like, what?
Robby (01:00:24)
And then I’m like, yeah, which you talk to Harold, they do freaking Superman. But again, because there’s always somebody bigger, greater. So having that accountability partner has been huge. And I can go on and on. We’ve even had them. I’m a big Les Brown fan. Love Les Brown. We got to have him come to an event. And he’s absolutely phenomenal. But I can tell you this, Kimi and I always have some type of a course we’re doing. In fact, we did a course with Darren called The Hero’s Journey. It’s a one year course last year. I can’t believe I’m even saying this.
Dennis (01:00:54)
I can’t believe I told her I go.
Robby (01:00:55)
We need to do it again. So we’re doing it again. We’re on our second year, and we have other couples that do it with us this time we have some family that does it. But Kimj and I are just big on if you want more in life, you got to grow more again. You become more through growing more, learning more, doing more. And guess what happens? You end up having more, which is wonderful, because then you get to give more. Right? And I’ve always said it’s almost impossible. It is impossible to give God. So I think a lot of our blessings come because Kimi and I come from an abundant mindset, and we’re just going to continue to give all right.
Dennis (01:01:30)
And I think that’s great for the listeners to hear, because to have a couple here, that is the ultimate power couple, that term has become known, obviously have accomplished a lot, financially and otherwise. And for people who maybe aren’t there yet to hear that you’re not done that, you continue to try to improve, you continue to try to learn, you continue to try to grow. I think that is extremely important for those people to hear. So speaking of power couple, I want to have Kimi talk to us a bit about Women of Yoli, because that was something that was introduced as your baby, essentially while I was in Cancun. And I would like the audience to hear about that. How it came about, why it came about and what it is.
Kimi (01:02:32)
Yeah. So it’s new to the company. We just launched it in March. So really how it came about is our company, Yoli, is already 75% women base. We power it. That’s great. And we had all men founders. And in the back of my head, it’s like, oh, that’s kind of cool. And then the guys wanted me to be alongside of them instead of behind them, which is a great honor. Still learning. But what we came up with is we needed to be able to connect on the women level because the guys couldn’t do that. And so we started interviewing the women and just making videos and just kind of pushing them off to the side, but not really knowing anything, knowing what to do with it. And we came up with this Women of Yoli to highlight the women within our company. It’s not really business oriented. It’s more of a support system. And what it is, is let’s empower each other. Let’s encourage each other, support your victories, your struggles, and all of that. And it’s awesome because Yoli has a little mantra that we call BLP. Everybody knows that. We’re just really strong on it.
Kimi (01:04:17)
It’s beloved, belongs love and purpose, and we’re very strong on it. And that’s what we just support each other and just highlight and encourage because as women, as men, too. But as women, we can be like a tribe and we can stick with each other and support each other. And it’s just a platform that is just growing. We started our first call on March 8 with 200 people on our very first call, and we’re on our third month, and we’re almost at 1000 people.
Dennis (01:05:00)
That’s great.
Kimi (01:05:02)
Just women. And it’s funny because Robby is like, can I join it? No, but it’s awesome. And you’ve always been a purpose. But ask me comp plants. I know nothing. Ask me ingredients. I know nothing. I know what products I like. But when it comes to supporting and connecting with the women, that’s my level. I’m just in a happy place right now with that.
Dennis (01:05:38)
I love that. Now, I’ve been really taking up a lot of your time, and I don’t want to keep you all day. But I have a couple more questions. One is this is going to be kind of the last business related question, and then we’re going to play a little game that I like to play called Would You Rather? The last business related question I have for you is what’s next? What are the goals and ambitions for Yoli going forward and any separate goals and ambitions that you have for yourselves going forward?
Robby (01:06:11)
No, that’s a great question. One thing Kimi and I have done probably forever. I don’t even know how long now. I just know we’re probably on number eight. We’re a big believer in dream boards. And because I think Dreamboard becomes a reality board. When you put pen to paper and you put pictures and you put that into your conscious and your unconscious mind, it’s funny. People go, well, why are you on your a free board? They go, because all the other stuff come true. We’ve done everything on them. And so we have a new board. And so, yeah, we have a lot of other we always have more goals, because the one thing I think Kimi and I finally realize is goals are great and you want to strive for them because it feels good to accomplish and do. But we’re learning more and more that it’s the journey that makes it so much fun. The anticipation of what we said is probably more powerful than when we actually get it. And I would also say that you never arrive, right? We never arrived. You never do. There’s always something bigger and better. And I think that’s how God created us to where we Hunter gather and nurture.
Robby (01:07:14)
And when we’re doing that, we’re our happiest, even on a conscious and an unconscious level. So what we see happening for Yoli, which is our number one focus, is we’ve seen all the amazing, beautiful people that have been affected by you are there at an event, Dennis. When you start hearing stories, you see why when we talk about BLP, about belonging, about loving one another unconditionally, about having a purpose of transforming lives, it becomes real. Right. When you listeners hear it. And I’m sure even when I heard it the first time, it’s like, okay, yeah, I’ve heard words like that before, but, boy, when you’re in it and people are walking up and giving you a hug and you only accept everybody for who you are, what you are, there’s no judging, right? I love that. And that’s a world that we’ve created, and we want to see that world grow. We’ve seen the awesome effect that’s happened. It’s already had on so many people, and we want to ten exit. And so we realized to do that, and we don’t have a lot of time. But Kimmy and I worked really hard over the last couple of years, putting out an incredible executive team together.
Robby (01:08:17)
In my opinion, the best of the best, so they could carry forward our vision and we work directly with them. And I would also say that I’m the best CEO for you today. Right. The guy running this company now is much more intelligent than the guy that started it because he continues to grow and learn. So we’re going to do some really awesome things. It’s our passion. It’s our love. We got a lot more events to do. It’s going to be fun because it’s fun. When we take over resorts, that’s going to be happening as well. And when you’re hanging out with that many like minded people, people have said to Kimi and I, you guys live in a bubble. I’m like, we sure do. How cool is it to live in a bubble? I don’t watch news. I don’t watch any of the news channels. I don’t read it nothing, because life is short, and I just don’t have that kind of energy to let them suck. That from me. My mentor always told me that even your closest friend can pour arsenic in your coffee. Not on purpose. Right? So you got to Kimi and I guard our mind.
Robby (01:09:18)
We guard who we hang around, and so we love that. So we’ve created that. So we’ve created this beautiful place for people to be, and we just want to share it with again. Is it for everybody? Absolutely not. I would say if you’re a mean person, you probably shouldn’t come in. If you love people and you want to make a big choice, you’d be very uncomfortable. Yeah, you would be. But if you’re looking for a place to belong, place to really, truly love, unconditionally, give a hug and receive a hug and a place to have an impact and transform life, then you only can be a great fit for you. That’s our passion for what we love doing. In addition to all those things, of course. One thing I love about Kimi, she’s always got material things.
Kimi (01:09:55)
We’ve always got.
Robby (01:09:56)
Oh, she’s always adding to that list. I’d say another one of her super strengths. She is an incredible power shopper. I mean, this girl can power shop any time of the day, right? That’s why I’m very happy when she’s busy with the woman of Yoli. Right. It works much better. So I love it. Is there anything you want to do? We have a bunch of things we need to do.
Kimi (01:10:17)
No, one of the things. So we started with a dream board when the kids were little to keep our minds focused on what we could afford next, what do we want to do with our kids because we both knew, especially me, we both knew that we didn’t want to raise our kids the way that we were raised. And so we would just get together, put a dream board together. And then it was my idea every time we accomplished and it was little like get new carpet for the living room or, oh, the best one is get heating and air in our house.
Robby (01:10:59)
It’d be nice.
Dennis (01:11:00)
That would be nice.
Kimi (01:11:03)
And put a date to it, because then you know when you accomplish it, how long did it take you? Because it challenges you more and more and it’s nonstop. You think that I could run out of things?
Robby (01:11:21)
No. Kimi’s awesome at coming up with your dream goals. I think she should do a class on it. But what we found out with our children and we’re empty nesters now. But we found out, we realize and I’m sure any of you out there who have children know this. Our children do not do what we say at all, ever. They do what we do. That’s it. They do what we do. They are unconsciously watching everything we do. So Kimmy and I realized that at a really young age and said, wait a minute, our daily habits matter. Everything that we’re doing every day, if we’re listening to audio self development, if we’re doing our exercising and making these because we both believe that you are nothing more than a product of your daily habits, good or bad, compounded over time. And so we just wanted to be a great example to the children. Now, this is not a good example. I definitely have a bad mouth. I know to be courteous and I am being on this podcast. But I have a bad mouth. And so no doubt, my boys, I know they have bad mouths.
Robby (01:12:17)
They do. They want to be respectful as well. Right. But on the flip side, my boys, they have their morning routines just like Kimi and I do. They do their exercising, they do their journaling. So is our daughter again, that came from watching it. How we eat again saying, I told the boys and my daughter how we do anything, how we do everything. So let’s pay attention to that.
Dennis (01:12:41)
Yeah, I recall my dad used to always say to me, do as I say, not as I do. It’d be nice if it works that way. It doesn’t necessarily work that way, that’s for sure. Well, okay. I’m going to wrap up here with some kind of goofy little would you rather questions. This is for either or both of you. Would you rather have each other tell you what you want for a gift, or would you rather be surprised?
Kimi (01:13:16)
I want to tell them what I want.
Robby (01:13:20)
I like to tell them what I want, too.
Dennis (01:13:22)
Okay. Would you rather surprise each other, though, or would you want them to tell you what they want.
Robby (01:13:31)
I would rather have tell me what you want, but then I’ll surprise you when you get it.
Kimi (01:13:35)
That’s what I was going to say.
Dennis (01:13:36)
Okay, there you go.
Kimi (01:13:37)
When you’re going to get it?
Robby (01:13:38)
Right now, I will say this. She loves gifts, so I love to randomly buy her flowers, randomly buy her some candy. She loves and hates that at the same time. But randomly get her things. And I always try to do it on non important dates.
Dennis (01:13:57)
There you go. That’s a good answer. Okay, this is a goofy one. Would you rather have skin that changes color when your emotions change or have tattoos that appear depicting what you had done the day before?
Kimi (01:14:15)
Well, I cannot hide my emotions when I’m upset. You know it. If I don’t like you, you know it. What was the other one? Tattoos.
Dennis (01:14:31)
Tattoo. Showing what you did the day before, no matter what that may have been.
Kimi (01:14:38)
Depends on the size of the tattoo.
Robby (01:14:43)
That’s an easy one for me. That’s an easy one for me. I do not want the tattoos. I would absolutely rather have my skin tone change over the motion.
Dennis (01:14:52)
Got it. Okay, so would you rather argue all night trying to resolve a conflict between the two of you or end the argument before it’s unresolved and get some sleep?
Kimi (01:15:09)
How do we do that?
Robby (01:15:11)
We’re pretty good about it. I would rather end the argument before it ever got started and get some sleep. We have some really cool rules over many years. Oh, yeah, but these are rules. Like we eliminated the D word in a very short period of time, and if it’s ever used, we apologize quite quickly and profusely. Right. We eliminated that no matter how mad or upset we are about something. If one of us is leaving, we will kiss each other and tell them we will put that on the side and tell each other that I love you because we know that that could be the last time we ever see each other.
Kimi (01:15:47)
That doesn’t mean it went away, though.
Robby (01:15:49)
No, it doesn’t mean I hear you. Part of our routine is our think tank time. We take about an hour every single morning, whether it’s 07:00 A.m., 08:00 A.m., but I usually get up before her. I have a few things I’ll do a couple of hours before she gets out of bed. I know it’s so bad. It’s some of the magic to our marriage. And we get that thinking time where there’s no phones and no nothing other than to take notes. But we get an hour. We begin each day together, pretty much unadulterated, sitting in a Jacuzzi where we can really walk through the day, walk through the plans, walk through what’s going to happen today, next month. It keeps us on the same page. All right, go back to rabid power. Sorry.
Dennis (01:16:32)
Okay, last one. This one’s really goofy. I don’t know if I can tell if I can read it. Would you rather randomly time travel 20 years in advance or behind every time you fart or teleport to a different place on Earth every time you sneeze?
Kimi (01:17:02)
I think I’d rather sneeze and be somewhere else. Okay. I don’t want to go backwards and I’m not ready to go forward. I like it right where I’m at.
Dennis (01:17:14)
What analysis?
Robby (01:17:15)
Yeah, I’m with Kimi. I’d rather sneeze. I mean, one thing that I’ve had to learn to do and that is the first piece is easy. I’ve always looked at the past. I learned from my past. So again, that’s fine. I want to learn from it. I want to live in the moment. That’s always something that I’m constantly having to focus on. And I want to keep 1ft in the future but not live in it. In my early years, I lived in the future way too much. And then you miss things. So I’m with Kimi. I want to stay present being in the moment. So I guess if I have to pick one of those, I sneeze and get telephone.
Dennis (01:17:49)
I love it. Those were great answers, by the way. You guys analyze the heck out of it. I love it. Most people when I come up with these things, it’s just like they give me an answer. No thought so. I love that. This was so much fun, you guys. Thank you so much for being here. I’m really looking forward to seeing you in Punta Cana next month. And my thanks to the audience for being here. If any of you who are listening or watching, by the way, would like to know more about either securing Yoli products or becoming a distributor, please reach out to me directly through the numbers or the email address that’s listed on the podcast platform that you are listening or watching on or visit And again, please don’t forget to subscribe to Uncommon Combos for your favorite on your favorite podcast platform. I can’t talk today and get your friends and family to do it as well. If you’d like to watch the video version of this podcast, simply go to Uncommon or and again along those lines by thanks to VanDerGinst Law, if you’ve been injured due to the negligence of another anywhere in the country, visit to see if the attorneys of VanDerGinst Law can help.
Dennis (01:19:14)
There’s never a fee unless you’re compensated by the responsible party. So be sure, please to check us out next week. Be safe. I love you all. We’ll see you all soon. Thank you again, Robby and Kimi.
Robby (01:19:28)
Thank you, Dennis. Take care.
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