It’s the Most Dangerous Time of The Year

The holidays are meant to be filled with comfort and joy, but as personal injury attorneys, we know that they are also rife with accidents and injuries.

Santa alone files an average of 12 personal injury lawsuits any given Christmas, and that’s not to mention all of the workers’ compensation cases we see from his elves.

The lawsuits that Santa files are also common holiday injuries that we see from regular people as well.

Let’s take some lessons from Santa and avoid some of these holiday mishaps.

Falling Off the Roof

Santa visits countless rooftops in one night to deliver toys all over the world and has the best tech built into his boots to keep him from falling off the roof.

It still happens on occasion.

As a homeowner, you want to make sure you have proper insurance in place in case this happens at your house.

You might be putting lights up on your roof to light Santa’s way, but make sure you aren’t climbing up on a slick roof covered in snow. If you don’t know the proper precautions for being up on your roof, it may be a good idea to hire a professional to add that festive touch to your house.

Additionally, don’t overload your electrical grid by plugging in too many lights.

This can cause fires and blackouts. Don’t be the house that blows the grid.

Holiday Burns

Dealing with chimneys is no easy task, and neither is going down them to deliver presents.

Needless to say, Santa has run across some fireplaces that didn’t quite have the fire out yet.

Make sure that you are taking proper care of your fireplace.

Having an active fire in a  fireplace is a seasonal endeavor, and you may not always remember the proper protocols for safety.

Never leave your fireplace unattended and make sure it is out before bed to avoid Santa getting burned. Make sure your chimney stack is cleaned out yearly to avoid fire from the buildup. A clean chimney also helps Santa get down easier.

You should also take extra care when cooking holiday meals, as burns can result from ovens and stovetops, especially if you are not used to cooking large feasts.

Stepping on Glass

There is never more glass in the house than during the holidays.

Ornaments, fine cookware, statues, and decorations–glass is everywhere! Caution must be taken when handling glass objects.

Especially when you lock yourself out of your house in the dead of winter and have to break into your own house through the window to get back inside, only to realize you left ornaments on the floor while decorating the tree.

Make sure ornaments are securely hanging from the tree at all times, or Santa may end up stepping on them too.

Be extra cautious when cleaning up broken glass. Odds are you won’t get anywhere suing Hallmark over cutting yourself on the latest Keepsake Ornament.

Getting Stuck

Santa has to go through millions of chimneys to deliver presents all in one night.

He usually works his magic and gets in without a hitch.

It stands to reason that sometimes he may forget to turn the magic on in time, which results in a bad situation.

Santa doesn’t usually win these injury cases in comparative fault states, since it’s mostly his fault for being on your roof without permission, and getting stuck in your chimney when he had the means to avoid getting stuck.

It’s still a good idea to have that chimney cleaned to make a clear pathway.

Fights Over Holiday Deals

It’s important to not get mad at Santa when he runs out of the hottest toy of the year.

His elves can only make so many of each thing, and when a toy is unexpectedly popular, you may end up with something similar but not quite what you were looking for.

Sometimes people get a little too mad at Santa for this.

It’s also a good idea to be kind and courteous when you are out shopping for the best deals of the season. Temperaments can run hot when someone else snags the last laptop that was 85% off.

Don’t find yourself liable for an injury trying to get the latest deal, especially in this pandemic year when it’s a better idea to stay safe and avoid the crowds by shopping deals online.

All Kidding Aside

We’ve had some fun exploring holiday injuries that Santa may experience, but in truth, the holidays are a time when more accidents can occur as we partake in activities we don’t do on a normal basis (like cooking big meals, lighting fireplaces, and hanging Christmas lights and decorations).

We want everyone to take extra caution and think things through as you progress through this holiday season.

If you do find yourself the victim of an accident that wasn’t your fault, we would be honored to help you seek the compensation you deserve.

Until that time, feel free to download our card or contact information below so we will be readily available to you when you need us most.

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