Average Time to Settle a Personal Injury Case

How Long Does a Personal Injury Case Take?

how long does it take to settle a lawsuit

After an accident, it can feel impossible to recover. Physically, your injuries may change your quality of life and state of mind. Financially, you feel the pressure of stressors like increased medical bills and lost wages.

Although some damage from an accident is irreparable, like disabilities or emotional suffering, financial pressures may be lifted with a personal injury lawsuit.

A personal injury lawyer handles every aspect of your case, so you can focus on recovery. Additionally, personal injury attorneys cover all the costs of a lawsuit and only require payment if you win.

But how long does a lawsuit take to get a settlement? How long will you have to wait to get the compensation that you deserve?

Unfortunately, there is no average time to settle a personal injury case. The personal injury settlement timeline varies case-by-case due to a variety of factors.

That being said, if you have been in an accident and are ready to pursue compensation and hold the responsible party accountable, please contact the personal injury attorneys at VanDerGinst Law today. We have recovered millions for people suffering just like you and offer free consultations where we discuss your case at no cost.

Factors Affecting the Average Time to Settle a Personal Injury Case

The following are a few factors that affect how long a personal injury case takes.


If your accident left you with significant physical, emotional, and property damage, your case is typically worth more. However, that also means that there is more to prove, which can take longer.  The more serious your injuries, the longer your treatment and recovery may take.  This can delay compensation since you want to make sure you are fully recovered from your injuries before you accept compensation and close your case.


Regardless of the amount designated to your damages, they are easier to prove if they are documented. A personal injury lawyer gathers all sorts of evidence to prove damages, including medical records, models of your accident, and expert testimony. Compelling evidence can help move your personal injury lawsuit along more quickly.


If it’s clear who is at fault for the accident, you could get your personal injury settlement faster. Although your personal injury lawyer dedicates themselves to proving the fault of the other party, in some cases, fault isn’t as clear or easy to prove. If both parties are at fault to some extent, negotiations could take longer.


Insurance companies are known for being stingy with payouts. In fact, they will go to great lengths to reduce the amount you get paid for your troubles. If the insurance company won’t cooperate, your personal injury lawyer will dig in their heels and fight to get more. Unfortunately, this can slow things down.

How Long Does a Personal Injury Lawsuit Take?

If both parties can’t agree on a settlement, the personal injury claim goes to trial. Unfortunately, a personal injury lawsuit takes significantly more time than reaching a settlement. It’s best to avoid going to trial, but if you are not offered the money you deserve, your personal injury lawyer will represent you in court.

Get Advice About Your Personal Injury Case

Although it’s helpful to know the average time to settle a personal injury case, your case is unique. If you’re ready to discuss the specifics of your case, we are here to help. Contact VanDerGinst Law today to schedule your free consultation and start the personal injury settlement process.

The information contained on this website is presented by VanDerGinst Law P.C. It is not intended nor should it be construed as professional legal advice. The information is general in nature about the Firm, the scope of services we offer, and our community outreach, it is not legal advice. Please contact us by phone, email, mail, or via this website for inquiries. Contacting us does not create an attorney-client relationship. Please contact a personal injury attorney for a consultation regarding your situation. This website is not intended to solicit clients outside the State of Iowa and/or the State of Illinois.

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