Slip Trip and Falls

What to Do if You’re Involved in a Slip/Trip and Fall 

Slip and fall accidents can happen in the blink of an eye, and they are especially common during the colder months when snow and ice create hazardous conditions on sidewalks, parking lots, and entryways. If you find yourself involved in a slip, trip, or fall, taking the right steps can protect your health and preserve your legal rights. Here’s what you need to know, with a special focus on snow and ice hazards in Illinois and Iowa. 

Steps to Take Immediately After a Fall 

  1. Seek Medical Attention
    Your health is the top priority. Even if your injuries seem minor, it’s crucial to get evaluated by a medical professional. Some injuries, such as head trauma or soft tissue damage, may not show symptoms immediately but could lead to long-term problems if untreated. 
  1. Document the Scene
    If possible, take photos or videos of the area where you fell. This is especially important if snow or ice was involved because conditions can quickly change due to melting or clearing efforts. caution wet floor signCapture the exact spot of the accident, any ice or snow buildup, and any visible hazards like uneven pavement, poor lighting, or lack of warning signs. 
  1. Gather Witness Information
    If anyone witnessed your fall, be sure to get their contact information. Witness statements can be crucial in proving your case, especially when there’s a dispute over whether the property owner took proper precautions. 
  1. Report the Incident
    Notify the property owner, business manager, or whoever is responsible for the area where the accident occurred. Make sure to ask for a written report of the incident. If you’re in a commercial space like a store, they might already have a procedure in place for such events. Keep a copy of the report for your records. 
  1. Preserve Evidence
    Retain any clothing or shoes you were wearing at the time of the fall. Don’t clean or alter them, as they may provide evidence later. Also, keep track of medical bills, doctor’s notes, and any communication with the property owner or insurance companies. 


Understanding Snow and Ice Liability in Illinois and Iowa 

Winter conditions bring unique challenges for slip and fall cases, especially when snow and ice are involved. Property owners in Illinois and Iowa have specific obligations when it comes to snow and ice removal, but the laws in both states differ slightly in how they handle liability. 

Illinois Snow and Ice Laws 

In Illinois, property owners are generally not liable for natural accumulations of snow and ice—meaning snow and ice that naturally build up due to weather conditions like snowfall or freezing rain. However, if a property owner takes action to remove snow and ice and does so negligently, creating a hazard in the process, they may be held responsible for any accidents. 

For example, if a property owner shovels a walkway but leaves patches of ice without adding salt or other treatment, they could be liable for injuries that occur. Additionally, Illinois law makes exceptions if the accumulation is considered “unnatural” due to poor property maintenance. Unnatural accumulation can include things like poor drainage that causes ice to form in unexpected areas or large icicles forming due to a faulty roof. 

Iowa Snow and Ice Laws 

In Iowa, property owners are required to maintain their property, including sidewalks, in a reasonably safe condition. This means they must remove snow and ice within a reasonable amount of time after a winter storm. Municipalities often have their own ordinances detailing how quickly snow must be cleared from sidewalks, with some cities requiring snow to be removed within 24 to 48 hours. 

Failure to follow these guidelines could result in the property owner being liable for any slip and fall accidents. Additionally, like Illinois, Iowa recognizes that a property owner who attempts to clear snow and ice but does so in a way that creates additional hazards can be held responsible for injuries. 


Why Legal Representation Matters 

Slip and fall cases, particularly those involving snow and ice, can be complex. Proving that a property owner was negligent often requires detailed evidence of the conditions and the owner’s actions (or lack thereof). An experienced personal injury attorney will help gather the necessary evidence, interview witnesses, and work with experts if needed to build a strong case. 

If you’ve been involved in a slip or trip and fall, especially during winter conditions in Illinois or Iowa, don’t hesitate to seek legal guidance. VanDerGinst Law has a wealth of experience handling personal injury cases, and we’re here to help you navigate the legal process. 

Taking the right steps after a fall can significantly impact your ability to recover compensation for your injuries. By knowing your rights and the property owner’s responsibilities, you’ll be better prepared to protect yourself if the worst happens. 


At VanDerGinst Law We are Honored to Help! Call800-797-5391 or click here. 

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