What If Your New Year’s Resolution Leads to Gym Injury?

Gym Injury

We are officially into the new year and that means you may be fulfilling your New Year’s resolution of working out at the gym!

For many people, going to the gym is number one on that list but a new gym membership can quickly turn into a nightmare.

Hurt at the gym? What happens now? Who pays for it?

We’re not just talking about sore muscles either.

If you suffered a gym-related personal injury that wasn’t your fault and have had to take time off work to recover and/or lost wages, you may be entitled to compensation.

How Did the Gym Accident Happen?

You probably won’t be covered by the gym if your injury is the result of improper technique.

There are some instances, however, where the gym may be at fault.

For instance, if you slip on a wet floor, contract a skin or other type of infection from improperly disinfected mats or equipment, or if you were hurt through no fault of your own due to equipment that hasn’t been maintained by the gym, then you may be eligible for compensation.

What If Someone Else Causes Your Gym Injury?

It might seem unlikely, but you could be hurt by another user of the gym.

If someone isn’t watching where they are going, or drops something on you, then you aren’t at fault for that injury.

You may have a case when another user is dangerously wielding weights or if an employee causes a gym accident injury.

If You Suffer a Gym Accident Injury, Go to the Doctor As Soon As Possible

If you sustain an injury at the gym, always go to the doctor right away.

Do not wait!

In personal injury cases, oftentimes your best bet at getting a fair settlement rests on whether you sought treatment immediately.

When you get hurt, even if you aren’t sure if it’s serious, go to the doctor.

You never know what problems could crop up in the future that are related to the accident.

Next Steps to Take After a Gym Accident Injury

What is the next step after hospital treatment for a gym injury?

Who will pay for an accident that wasn’t your fault?

Anxiety and confusion can overwhelm you, but it’s important not to panic.

You need to contact a personal injury lawyer who knows the laws of your state. They can help you get fair compensation for your gym injuries.

While it’s not the best way to start off the new year, you’ll feel confident in the support and knowledge that the experienced personal injury attorneys at VanDerGinst Law bring to your gym injury case.

The gym will have a team of lawyers on their side, and it only makes sense that you should too.

Call VanDerGinst Law for a free consultation and get the compensation you deserve for your gym injury.

If you are just curious about such injuries before starting your new year’s resolution, download our card below.

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The information contained on this website is presented by VanDerGinst Law P.C. It is not intended nor should it be construed as professional legal advice. The information is general in nature about the Firm, the scope of services we offer, and our community outreach, it is not legal advice. Please contact us by phone, email, mail, or via this website for inquiries. Contacting us does not create an attorney-client relationship. Please contact a personal injury attorney for a consultation regarding your situation. This website is not intended to solicit clients outside the State of Iowa and/or the State of Illinois.

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